Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology Courses

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Courses for Biology
Biology (Subject Code: BIOLOGY)
408/MICRBIOL 401.  Gen Micro.  Advisory pre-requisite: BIOLOGY,Biochemistry (BIOLOGY 310, 311, or BIOLCHEM 415); preceded or accompanied by BIOLOGY 305.  (3 credits)
425/ANATOMY 425.  Syst Neurobio.  Advisory pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 222, or 325, or 422, or permission of instructor  (3 credits)
525/CHEM 525.  Chem Biol I.  Advisory pre-requisite: CHEM 451, 452, 461, and 463.  (3 credits)
526/CHEM 526.  Chem Biol II.  Advisory pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 525 or CHEM 525. Prior or concurrent enrollment in CHEM 402 or equivalent.  (3 credits)
533/ANATOMY 715.  Verte Regen.  Advisory pre-requisite: An introductory course in developmental biology; Graduate or senior standing, and permission of instructor.  (2 credits)
536/ANATOMY 660.  Cellular Dev.  Advisory pre-requisite: An introductory course in development: MCDB 307 or 406.  (4 credits)
622/ANATOMY 622/NEUROSCI 622.  Cell&Mole Neur.  Advisory pre-requisite: Concurrent enrollment in MCDB 422 and permission of instructor. Graduate standing.  (2 credits)
625/NEUROSCI 625/ANATOMY 625.  Syst Neurobiol.  Advisory pre-requisite: Concurrent enrollment in MCDB 425; Graduate standing and permission of instructor.  (1 credits)
631/PHRMACOL 631/BIOLCHEM 631/MICRBIOL 631/HUMGEN 631.  Gen Prog Sem.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing and permission of instructor.  (1 credits)
686/CDB 684/CMBIOL 684/HUMGEN 684/NEUROSCI 684/PATH 684/PHYSIOL 684.  Org Complex Tiss.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate Cell biology recommended, but not required. Graduate standing.  (2 credits)
687/CMBIOL 685/PHYSIOL 685/PATH 685/NEUROSCI 685/CDB 685/HUMGEN 685.  Org Complex Tiss.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate Cell biology recommended, but not required. Graduate standing.  (1 credits)
721/BIOLCHEM 721/NEUROSCI 721/PHRMACOL 721.  Neuro&Neuroph.  Advisory pre-requisite: BIOLCHEM 415. Graduate standing and permission of instructor.  (2 credits)
Courses for Molec, Cell & Develop Biology
Molec, Cell & Develop Biology (Subject Code: MCDB)
400.  Advanced Research.  Required pre-requisite: MCDB 300  Advisory pre-requisite: 12 credits of biology, 3.0 average in science, and permission of faculty member in biology  (1 to 3 credits)
401.  Advanced Topics.  Advisory pre-requisite: Seniors or Graduate standing. Prerequisites will be set by the instructor as appropriate for each section.  (1 to 4 credits)
402/NEURO 402.  Molecular Biol Pain.  Required pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 222 or BIOLOGY 225 or MCDB 422  Advisory pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 305; MCDB 310, BIOLCHEM 415 or CHEM 351; and MCDB 423  (3 credits)
403/NEURO 403.  Molec Biol Synapse.  Required pre-requisite: MCDB/BIOLOGY 310 or 311 or BIOLCHEM 415 or CHEM 351  Advisory pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 305 and MCDB 422  (3 credits)
404/EEB 404.  Genetics,Devel&Evol.  Required pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 305  (3 credits)
405.  Molecular Develop.  Required pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 305 or Graduate Standing  (3 credits)
406.  Mod Genetic Advances.  Required pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 305  (3 credits)
407.  Adv Genetic Prin.  Required pre-requisite: [BIOLOGY 305 and (BIOLOGY/MCDB 310 or BIOLOGY/MCDB 311 or BIOLCHEM 415 or BIOLCHEM/CHEM 451)] or Graduate standing  (3 credits)
408.  Genomic Biology.  Required pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 305  (3 credits)
410.  CMB Capstone.  Required pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 305 and (BIOLCHEM 415 or CHEM 351 or MCDB 310); or Graduate Standing  (3 credits)
411.  Protein Structure.  Required pre-requisite: BIOLCHEM 415 or CHEM 351 or MCDB 310; or Graduate Standing  (3 credits)
413.  Plant Molec Bio Lab.  Required pre-requisite: [BIOLOGY 305 and (BIOLOGY/MCDB 310 or BIOLOGY/MCDB 311 or BIOLCHEM 415 or BIOLCHEM/CHEM 451)] or Graduate standing  (3 credits)
414.  Physiol Plant Devel.  Advisory pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 162 or 163 or 171 & 172 & 173 or 195 & 173, AND one additional course in botany.  (3 credits)
415.  Microbial Genetics.  Required pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 305 and (BIOLCHEM 415 or CHEM 351 or MCDB 310); or Graduate Standing  (3 credits)
416/EEB 416.  Bioinformatics.  Required pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 305 and EEB 390; or graduate standing  (4 credits)
417.  Chromosome Structure.  Required pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 305  (3 credits)
418/NEURO 418.  Endocrinology.  Required pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 225 and 305 and (MCDB 310 or BIOLCHEM 415 or CHEM 351)  (3 credits)
419.  Endocrinology Lab.  Advisory pre-requisite: Prior or concurrent enrollment in BIOLOGY 225 or 310 or 311, or MCDB 418 or 426.  (3 credits)
420/BIOPHYS 420.  Struct Bio: Arc Life.  Advisory pre-requisite: Students should have knowledge of physical chemistry and biochemistry, as covered in the curriculia of: CHEM 230 or CHEM 260 or BIOPHYS 370; CHEM 351, MCDB 310 or BIOLCHEM 415.  (3 credits)
421/NEURO 421.  Topics in Neurobio.  Advisory pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 225 and PSYCH 230 or NEUROSCI 601  (3 credits)
422/NEURO 422.  Brain Development.  Required pre-requisite: (MCDB/BIOLOGY 310 or 311 or BIOLCHEM 415 or CHEM 351) or Graduate Standing  (3 credits)
423/NEURO 423.  Neurobiology Lab.  Required pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 173  Advisory pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 225 or BIOLOGY 222; or concurrent enrollment in MCDB 422  (3 credits)
424/NEURO 424.  Behav Neurobio Lab.  Required pre-requisite: (BIOLOGY 222 or BIOLOGY 225 or PSYCH 230) and BIOLOGY 173  Advisory pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 305  (2 credits)
425.  Biotechnology.  Required pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 305 and (BIOLCHEM 415 or CHEM 351 or MCDB 310)  (3 credits)
426/NEURO 426.  Molec Endocrinology.  Required pre-requisite: [BIOLOGY 225 and (MCDB/BIOLOGY 310 or 311 or BIOLCHEM 415 or CHEM 351)] or Graduate Standing  (3 credits)
427.  Molecular Biology.  Required pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 305 and (BIOLCHEM 415 or CHEM 351 or MCDB 310); or Graduate Standing  (4 credits)
428.  Cell Biology.  Required pre-requisite: BIOLCHEM 415 or CHEM 351 or MCDB 310; or Graduate Standing  (4 credits)
429.  Cell&Molec Biol Lab.  Required pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 173  Advisory pre-requisite: Previous or concurrent enrollment in BIOLOGY 305 and (MCDB 310, BIOLCHEM 415, or CHEM 351)  (3 credits)
430.  Molec Bio of Plants.  Required pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 305 and (BIOLCHEM 415 or CHEM 351 or MCDB 310); or Graduate Standing  (3 credits)
432.  Bacterial Physiology.  Required pre-requisite: BIOLOGY/MCDB 310 or 311or CHEM/BIOLCHEM 451 or BIOLCHEM 415  (3 credits)
433.  Plant Biochemistry.  Required pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 305 and (MCDB 310 or BIOLCHEM 415 or CHEM 351)  (3 credits)
434.  Protein Misfold Dis.  Required pre-requisite: MCDB 310 or BIOLCHEM 415 or CHEM 351  (3 credits)
435.  Intracell Traffic.  Required pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 305 or Graduate Standing  Advisory pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 272 or BIOLOGY 205  (3 credits)
436.  Human Immunology.  Required pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 205 or 207 or 222 or 225 or 272 or 305 or Graduate Standing  (3 credits)
437.  Microbial Comm&Dev.  Required pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 305 and (MCDB 310 or BIOLCHEM 415 or CHEM 351)  (3 credits)
440.  Cell Cyc Ctrl & Canc.  Required pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 305 and (MCDB 310 or BIOLCHEM 415 or CHEM 351)  (3 credits)
441/NEURO 441.  Cell Bio & Disease.  Advisory pre-requisite: MCDB 428 and [MCDB 310 or MCDB 311 or BIOLCHEM 415 or CHEM 351]  (3 credits)
444.  Bact Cell Biology.  Required pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 305 and (BIOLCHEM 415 or CHEM 351 or MCDB 310); or Graduate Standing  (3 credits)
445.  Advanced Biochem.  Required pre-requisite: MCDB 310 or BIOLCHEM 415 or CHEM 351; or graduate standing  (3 credits)
447.  Lysosomes & Diseases.  Required pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 305 and (MCDB 310 or CHEM 351 or BIOLCHEM 415)  (3 credits)
448.  Telomerase Function.  Required pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 305 and (MCDB 310 or CHEM 351 or BIOLCHEM 415)  (3 credits)
450/NEURO 450.  Genetics & Mol Biol.  Required pre-requisite: (BIOLOGY 222 or 225) and (BIOLOGY 305) and (BIOLCHEM 415 or CHEM 351 or MCDB 310)  (3 credits)
451/NEURO 451.  Molec Neuro Disease.  Required pre-requisite: (BIOLOGY 222 or 225) and (BIOLOGY 305 or MCDB 310 or BIOLCHEM 415 or CHEM 351)  Advisory pre-requisite: Biochemistry experience is recommended  (3 credits)
452/NEURO 452.  The Visual System.  Required pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 222 or [225 and (MCDB 310 or BIOLCHEM 415 or CHEM 351)] or NEUROSCI 614 or Graduate Standing  (3 credits)
453/NEURO 453.  Ion Channels.  Required pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 222 or MCDB 322  (3 credits)
454.  Cytoskeletal Dynamic.  Required pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 305 and (MCDB 310 or BIOLCHEM 415 or CHEM 351)  (3 credits)
455/NEURO 455.  Cell Biol Neurodegen.  Required pre-requisite: (BIOLOGY 222 or 225 or 305) and (BIOLCHEM 415 or CHEM 351 or MCDB 310)  Advisory pre-requisite: MCDB 422 or 428  (3 credits)
456/NEURO 456.  Genes, Circuit&Behav.  Required pre-requisite: (BIOLOGY 222 or 225 or MCDB 422) and BIOLOGY 305  Advisory pre-requisite: MCDB 310 or BIOLCHEM 415 or CHEM 351  (3 credits)
457/NEURO 457.  Neurobio of Sex Beh.  Required pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 225 or PSYCH 230  Advisory pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 305  (3 credits)
458/NEURO 458.  Neuroepigenetics.  Required pre-requisite: (BIOLOGY 222 or 225) and 305  (3 credits)
459/NEURO 459.  Brain States & Behav.  Required pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 222 or 225  Advisory pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 305  (3 credits)
462.  Epigenetics.  Required pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 305 and (one of MCDB 310 or BIOLCHEM 415 or CHEM 351)  (3 credits)
463/NEURO 463.  Sens Circ & Disease.  Required pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 222 or 225  (3 credits)
464/NEURO 464.  Cellular Diversity.  Required pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 305 and (MCDB 310 or BIOLCHEM 415 or CHEM 351)  Advisory pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 205, 207, 222, 225, or 272  (3 credits)
465/NEURO 465.  Neocortex Processing.  Required pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 222 or 225  Advisory pre-requisite: One of: MCDB 310, BIOLCHEM 415, or CHEM 351  (3 credits)
469.  Signal Transduction.  Required pre-requisite: MCDB 427 or 428  (3 credits)
471.  Methods in Biochem.  Required pre-requisite: (MCDB 310 or BIOLCHEM 415 or CHEM 351) or Graduate Standing  (3 credits)
472.  Bld a Synthetic Cell.  Required pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 305 and (MCDB 310 or BIOLCHEM 415 or CHEM 351); or Graduate Standing  (3 credits)
489.  Genes & Genomes.  Required pre-requisite: [BIOLOGY 305 and (MCDB 310 or 311)] or BIOLCHEM 415 or CHEM 351; or Graduate Standing  (3 credits)
494/EEB 494.  Teaching Col Science.  Advisory pre-requisite: Science concentrators having completed a range of courses, such as BIOLOGY 171,172 and 173; BIOLOGY 225, 281, 305 or EEB 390; CHEM 130, 210 or 211; PHYSICS 140 or 160; or EARTH 119  (2 credits)
499/EEB 499.  Research Ethics-Bio.  Advisory pre-requisite: Prior or concurrent enrollment in MCDB or EEB 300  (1 credits)
501.  Professional Writing.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing in a doctoral program relevant to Biology and permission of instructor.  (3 credits)
512.  Cell Metabolism.  Advisory pre-requisite: MCDB 428.  (3 credits)
515/CHEM 415.  Res Con in Chem Res.  (1 credits)
521.  Bact Physiol II.  Advisory pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 305, and BIOLOGY 310 or 311 or BIOLCHEM 415.  (1 credits)
522.  Bact Physiol III.  Advisory pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 305, and BIOLOGY 310, 311, or BIOLCHEM 415.  (1 credits)
523.  Adv Neurophysiol.  Advisory pre-requisite: Introductory Neurobiology; permission of instructor  (2 credits)
525.  Topics Molec Biology.  Advisory pre-requisite: Departmental certification of advanced understanding of (1) genetics and molecular biology and (2) biochemistry.  (1 credits)
526.  Topics Cell Biology.  (1 credits)
527.  Exp Molec Biology.  Required pre-requisite: Graduate  Advisory pre-requisite: Courses in (1) basic genetics or molecular biology or (2) biochemistry.  (3 credits)
528.  Exp Cell Biology.  Advisory pre-requisite: Courses in (1) basic cell biology or molecular biology and (2) biochemistry.  (4 credits)
534.  Devel Neurobiology.  Advisory pre-requisite: Previous courses in Neurobiology and development and Permission of Instructor.  (3 credits)
589.  Microbial Evolution.  Required pre-requisite: [BIOLOGY 305 and (BIOLOGY/MCDB 310 or BIOLOGY/MCDB 311 or BIOLCHEM 415 or BIOLCHEM/CHEM 451)] or Graduate standing  (3 credits)
596.  Science Outreach.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate student  (3 credits)
597.  Writing in Biology.  (3 credits)
600.  Topics in MCDB.  Required pre-requisite: Graduate  (1 credits)
608/BIOPHYS 608/PHYSICS 608.  Prin Microscp.  Advisory pre-requisite: PHYSICS,Knowledge of complex exponential notation, and graduate standing. Physics 405 or permission of instructor.  (3 credits)
610/NEUROSCI 601.  Principles Neuro I.  Advisory pre-requisite: Enrollment in a Ph.D. program. Graduate students in Master's degree programs may register only with the permission of the instructor.  (3 credits)
611/NEUROSCI 611.  Neurochem/Neuropharm.  Advisory pre-requisite: Enrollment in a Ph.D. program. Graduate students in Master's degree programs may register only with the permission of the instructor.  (1 credits)
613/NEUROSCI 613.  Circuits/Comp NS.  Advisory pre-requisite: Enrollment in a Ph.D. program. Graduate students in Master's degree programs may register only with the permission of the instructor.  (1 credits)
615.  Cellular&Molec Biol.  Advisory pre-requisite: MCDB 427 and 428; Graduate standing and permission of instructor.  (3 credits)
616.  Biochm Mitochondria.  Advisory pre-requisite: MCDB 411 and permission of instructor.  (2 credits)
618.  Animal Energetics.  Advisory pre-requisite: BIOLOGY,MCDB 411 or 428; Graduate standing and permission of instructor.  (2 credits)
621.  Microbial Biochem.  Advisory pre-requisite: MCDB 408; MCDB 428 or 513; preceded or accompanied by BIOLCHEM 580. Graduate standing.  (3 credits)
623/NEUROSCI 623.  Molecular Neuro Lab.  Advisory pre-requisite: Concurrent enrollment in Neuroscience 601 or previous completion of Neuroscience 601  (3 credits)
632/HUMGEN 632/MICRBIOL 632.  Exp Genetics Systems.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing, and current or past Genetics Training Program student.  (1 credits)
683/CMBIOL 682/PATH 682/PHYSIOL 682/NEUROSCI 682/HUMGEN 682/CDB 682.  Org Complex Tiss.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate Cell biology recommended, but not required. Graduate standing.  (2 credits)
700.  Advanced Studies.  Advisory pre-requisite: BIOLOGY,Permission of instructor  (1 to 8 credits)
701.  MCDB Thesis Research.  (1 credits)
800.  Biology Seminar.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing and permission of instructor.  (1 credits)
801.  Supervised Teaching.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing and permission of instructor. Appointment as Teaching Assistant in Biology.  (1 to 2 credits)
990.  Diss-Precand.  Advisory pre-requisite: Election for dissertation work by doctoral student not yet admitted as a Candidate. Graduate standing.  (1 to 8 credits)
995.  Diss-Cand.  Required pre-requisite: Candidate  (4 or 8 credits)