400. Advanced Research. Advisory pre-requisite: 12 credits of BIOLOGY, 3.0 average in science, and permission of instructor in EEB. (1 to 3 credits) |
401. Advanced Topics. Advisory pre-requisite: Intended for senior majors. The prerequisites will be set by the instructor as appropriate for each section. (1 to 4 credits) |
402. Enh Wksp Sci Tchrs. Advisory pre-requisite: Two college level courses in BIOLOGY. Enrollment in ASSIST Program at Biological Station. (5 credits) |
404/MCDB 404. Genetics,Devel&Evol. Required pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 305 (3 credits) |
405. Biol Station Topics. Advisory pre-requisite: College courses in biology, chemistry, and ecology. (1 to 5 credits) |
408. Modeling for EEB. Required pre-requisite: [MATH 115 or equivalent] and {[BIOLOGY 171 and (172 or 174) and 173] or [173 and 192] or [173 and 195]}; or Graduate Standing (4 credits) |
412. Molecular Ecology. Advisory pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 305 and 390, or equivalents. Population genetics and ecology desirable. (3 credits) |
413. Evol Found of Med. Required pre-requisite: [BIOLOGY 171 and (172 or 174) and 173] or [BIOLOGY 173 and 192] or [173 and 195] Advisory pre-requisite: EEB 390, BIOLOGY 305 (3 credits) |
414. Mol Approach in EEB. Required pre-requisite: [BIOLOGY 171 and (172 or 174)] or 192 or 195 or Graduate Standing Advisory pre-requisite: EEB 390 (Evolution) and BIOLOGY 305 (Genetics) (2 credits) |
416/MCDB 416. Bioinformatics. Required pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 305 and EEB 390; or graduate standing (4 credits) |
420. Plant Evolution. Advisory pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 171, (172 or 174) & 173; or BIOLOGY 195 & 173; AND BIOLOGY 230 or equivalent (3 credits) |
424/EAS 415/ENVIRON 415. Beh Ecol&Consrv Biol. Advisory pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 162 or 171 and completion or concurrent enrollment in either ENVIRON 415 or EEB 424 or EAS 415 (4 credits) |
425/EAS 416/ENVIRON 416. Fld Skls Wildlf Beh. Advisory pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 162 or 171 and completion or concurrent enrollment in ENVIRON 415. (2 credits) |
430/CMPLXSYS 431. Modeling Diseases. Advisory pre-requisite: MATH 115 or 120 (3 credits) |
431. Parasitology. Advisory pre-requisite: Two laboratory courses in BIOLOGY (3 credits) |
433/EAS 433/ENVIRON 433. Ornithology. Advisory pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 171, 172 or 174, and 173, or BIOLOGY 192 and 173; or BIOLOGY 195 & 173 (4 credits) |
435/CMPLXSYS 435. Ecological Networks. Advisory pre-requisite: Quantitative skills and a general knowledge of biology recommended. (3 credits) |
436/EAS 436/ENVIRON 436. Woody Plants. Advisory pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 171 or equivalent (4 credits) |
437. Invertebrate Biol. Advisory pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 162 or 163 or 171 & 172 & 173 or 195 & 173, OR introductory GEOSCI and two additional NRE courses. (5 credits) |
440/EAS 422/ENVIRON 422. Biol of Fishes. Advisory pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 162 or 171, 172 and 173. (3 credits) |
441/EAS 423/ENVIRON 423. Bio Fish Lab. Advisory pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 162 or 171, 172 and 173. (1 credits) |
442. Biology of Insects. Advisory pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 171, (172 or 174), & 173; or BIOLOGY 192 & 173; or BIOLOGY 195 & 173 (3 credits) |
443. Biology of Insects. Advisory pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 171, (172 or 174) & 173; or BIOLOGY 192 & 173; or BIOLOGY 195 & 173 (3 credits) |
445/EARTH 445. Biogeography. Advisory pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 171, (172 or 174) & 173; or BIOLOGY 192 & 173; or BIOLOGY 195 & 173. One course in historical geology is recommended (3 credits) |
446. Microbial Ecology. Advisory pre-requisite: Introductory Microbiology (BIOLOGY 207 or the equivalent) and one 300-level or above biology course [Microbial diversity (EEB 470) and general ecology (EEB 281/381) are recommended.] (3 credits) |
447. Environ Micro Lab. Required pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 207 (3 credits) |
450. Amphib & Reptiles. Advisory pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 171, (172 or 174) & 173; or BIOLOGY 195 & 173 (4 credits) |
451/EAS 451/ENVIRON 451. Biol of Mammals. Advisory pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 171, (172 or 174) & 173; or BIOLOGY 192 & 173; or BIOLOGY 195 & 173 (4 credits) |
453. Field Mammalogy. Advisory pre-requisite: Two laboratory courses in BIOLOGY. (3 credits) |
455. Ethnobotany. Advisory pre-requisite: Two college-level courses in BIOLOGY. (3 credits) |
456/ENVIRON 456. Great Lakes Coast. Advisory pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 171 or one introductory biology course and another natural science course (5 credits) |
457. Algae in Fresh Water. Advisory pre-requisite: Two laboratory courses in Botany. (3 credits) |
459. Systematic Botany. Advisory pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 171, (172 or 174) & 173; or BIOLOGY 195 & 173; OR BIOLOGY 255 (4 credits) |
463. Neotropical Plants. Advisory pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 215 or EEB 459. (3 credits) |
466/CMPLXSYS 466/MATH 466. Mathematical Ecology. Advisory pre-requisite: MATH 217, 417, or 419; MATH 256, 286, or 316; and MATH 450 or 451 (3 credits) |
468. Biology of Fungi. Advisory pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 305, EEB 390, or BIOLOGY 281 strongly suggested (4 credits) |
470. Microbial Diversity. Required pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 207 and CHEM 210 and at least one 300-level course in MCDB or EEB Advisory pre-requisite: Junior standing or above (3 credits) |
472. Plant-Anim Interact. Advisory pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 281. (3 credits) |
476/ENVIRON 476/EAS 476. Ecosystem Ecology. Advisory pre-requisite: General Ecology and a 400-level course in Aquatic or Terrestrial Ecology. (3 credits) |
477. Field Ecology Lab. Advisory pre-requisite: A course in Ecology. (5 credits) |
479. Rainforest Dynamics. Advisory pre-requisite: A course in Ecology, fluency in Spanish, and permission of instructor. (2 credits) |
480. Models & Inference. Advisory pre-requisite: Senior natural science concentrator or Graduate student. (4 credits) |
482. Freshwater Ecosystem. Required pre-requisite: Sophomore or Above Advisory pre-requisite: One course in each of the following: Ecology, Chemistry, and Physics. (3 credits) |
483. Freshwater Ecosystem. Required pre-requisite: Sophomore or Above Advisory pre-requisite: One course in each of the following: Ecology, Chemistry, and Physics (3 credits) |
484. Limnology Lab. Advisory pre-requisite: Concurrent enrollment in EEB 483. (3 credits) |
485. Popul & Comm Ecology. (4 credits) |
486. Biol&Ecol Fish. Advisory pre-requisite: Two laboratory courses in BIOLOGY. (3 credits) |
487/EAS 409/ENVIRON 409. Ecol of Fishes. Advisory pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 162 or 171, 172 and 173. (3 to 4 credits) |
489/ENVIRON 430/EAS 430. Soil Ecology. Advisory pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 162 or 171 and 172 and 173, and General Chemistry. Concurrent enrollment in ENVIRON 436/EEB 436 and ENVIRON 435/EAS 435 highly recommended. (3 credits) |
490. Evol at Pop Level. Required pre-requisite: MATH 115 Advisory pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 305 (3 credits) |
491. Phylogenetic Methods. Advisory pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 171, 172 or 174, & 173; or BIOLOGY 192 & 173; or BIOLOGY 195 & 173 (4 credits) |
492. Behavioral Ecology. Required pre-requisite: [BIOLOGY 172 or 174 or 192] or [173 and 195]; or Graduate Standing Advisory pre-requisite: EEB 390 (Evolution) (3 credits) |
493. Behavioral Ecology. Required pre-requisite: [BIOLOGY 171 and (172 or 174) and 173] or [173 and 192] or [173 and 195]; or Graduate Standing Advisory pre-requisite: EEB 390 (Evolution) (3 credits) |
494/MCDB 494. Teaching Col Science. Advisory pre-requisite: Science concentrators having completed a range of courses, such as BIOLOGY 171,172 and 173; BIOLOGY 225, 281, 305 or EEB 390; CHEM 130, 210 or 211; PHYSICS 140 or 160; or EARTH 119 (2 credits) |
497. Complex Sys in Ecol. Required pre-requisite: (MATH 115 or 120 or 185) and (BIOLOGY 171 or 192 or 195) Advisory pre-requisite: ` (3 credits) |
498. Agroecosystems. Advisory pre-requisite: A course in Ecology. (3 credits) |
499/MCDB 499. Research Ethics-Bio. Advisory pre-requisite: Prior or concurrent enrollment in MCDB or EEB 300 (1 credits) |
500. Intro to EEB Res. (5 credits) |
512. Molec & Genom Evol. Advisory pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 305 and one upper-level course in either Molecular or Evolutionary Biology; permission of instructor and Graduate standing. (3 credits) |
514. Molecular Evolution. Advisory pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 305 and one upper-level course in either Molecular or Evolutionary Biology, and permission of instructor. (3 credits) |
515/CLIMATE 535/EARTH 514. Isotope Biogeochem. Advisory pre-requisite: Permission of instructor (3 credits) |
516. Princ Evolution. Advisory pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 305. (4 credits) |
523. Crit Perspect in Sci. (3 credits) |
525. Science Writing. (3 credits) |
532. Birds of the World. Advisory pre-requisite: Sixteen credits of BIOLOGY and permission of instructor. (4 credits) |
538/EARTH 538. Quant Analysis. Advisory pre-requisite: High school math, elementary statistics, and elementary computer skills. Graduate standing. (3 credits) |
544. Pop&Stats Genetics. Advisory pre-requisite: A foundation in genetics and familiarity with the basic statistics and probability (2 credits) |
556. Field Botany. Advisory pre-requisite: A course in Systematic Botany (EEB 459). (3 credits) |
558. Aquat Flower Plant. Advisory pre-requisite: EEB 459 and written permission of instructor. (3 credits) |
560. Populat Biol Plants. Advisory pre-requisite: A course in EEB (5 credits) |
581. Comm Ecol Adv Topics. Advisory pre-requisite: EEB 481 (3 credits) |
582. General Ecology. (5 credits) |
583. Probs Plant Ecology. Advisory pre-requisite: Two laboratory courses in BIOLOGY (5 credits) |
585. Ecol Stream&Rivers. Advisory pre-requisite: A previous or concurrent course in limnology, aquatic ecology, or aquatic invertebrates is recommended. (5 credits) |
586. Meth Ecol Res. Advisory pre-requisite: Selection for participation in the Naturalist-Ecologist Training Program at the Biological Station. Graduate standing. (5 credits) |
590. Nat Hist & Evolution. (5 credits) |
595. Tropical Biology. Advisory pre-requisite: BIOLOGY,Graduate standing and four courses in biology. Information and application forms available from Professors Vandermeer or Wagner. (8 credits) |
601. Investigate Biology. Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing and permission of instructor. (1 to 8 credits) |
681. Ecosyst North Amer. Advisory pre-requisite: One year introductory Biology; one course in Ecology; written consent of instructor. Graduate standing. (5 credits) |
685. Ecol,Evol&Organisml. Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing and permission of instructor. (1 credits) |
700. Advanced Studies. Advisory pre-requisite: 16 hours in Biology, Graduate standing and permission of instructor. (1 to 8 credits) |
701. Navigating Academia. Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate Standing (1 credits) |
702. Navig Acad II. Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate Standing (1 credits) |
730. Advanced Studies. Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing and permission of instructor. (1 to 8 credits) |
755. Special Studies. Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing and permission of instructor. (1 to 16 credits) |
790. Masters Thesis. (1 to 8 credits) |
800. Biology Seminar. Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing and permission of instructor. (1 credits) |
801. Supervised Teaching. Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing and permission of instructor. Appointment as Teaching Assistant in Biology. (1 to 2 credits) |
830. Zoology Seminar. Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing and permission of instructor. (1 credits) |
990. Diss-Precand. Advisory pre-requisite: Election for dissertation work by doctoral student not yet admitted as a Candidate. Graduate standing. (1 to 8 credits) |
995. Diss-Cand. Required pre-requisite: Candidate (4 or 8 credits) |