Earth and Environmental Sciences Courses

Courses for Earth & Environmental Sciences
Earth & Environmental Sciences (Subject Code: EARTH)
401/CLIMATE 401.  Geophys Fluid Dyn.  Advisory pre-requisite: CLIMATE 323, SPACE 323, or EARTH 323 (or GEOSCI 323); MATH 215 and 216 and PHYSICS 240  (3 credits)
408/ENVIRON 403.  Intro GIS Earth Sci.  Required pre-requisite: [An intro geology or environ sciences course (EARTH 116 or 119 or 120 or 201 or 202 or 209 or 284)] and [one math course or a statistics course (MATH 115 or 116 or 120 or 121 or 156 or 175 or 176 or 185 or 186 or 295 or 296 or STATS 150 or 180 or 250 or   Advisory pre-requisite: Although previous GIS experience is not required, students are expected to be familiar with desktop and mobile computing, and to be comfortable with at least one quantitative software program (Matlab, Excel, Mathematica, or R, as examples).  (3 credits)
409/CLIMATE 410.  Earth System Model.  Advisory pre-requisite: CLIMATE 320, CLIMATE 321, SPACE 320, SPACE 321  (4 credits)
410.  Fld Stds Volcanology.  Advisory pre-requisite: One introductory EARTH (GEOSCI) laboratory course  (3 credits)
411/CLIMATE 411.  Cloud&Precip Process.  Advisory pre-requisite: CLIMATE 350, SPACE 350, MATH 216  (3 credits)
413.  Geomicrobiology.  Required pre-requisite: [(EARTH/ENVIRON 131 or CHEM 130) and EARTH 313 and EARTH 325] or Graduate Standing  (4 credits)
414/CLIMATE 414.  Weather Systems.  Advisory pre-requisite: CLIMATE 350, SPACE 350, CLIMATE 401 or CLIMATE 551  (3 credits)
415.  Intro Econ Geol.  Advisory pre-requisite: EARTH 310, 315, 380, CHEM 130 or equivalent  (4 credits)
416.  Org Function&Evol.  Advisory pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 162 or 171 or 172, or EARTH (GEOSCI) 418; MATH 115; PHYSICS 125.  (4 credits)
417.  Geology Great Lakes.  Advisory pre-requisite: An introductory course in Geology (EARTH 116, 119, 120 or 205/206/118), BIOLOGY 171 or 172, or Oceanography (EARTH 222/223), OR permission of instructor  (2 credits)
418.  Paleontology.  Advisory pre-requisite: An introductory course in Geology (EARTH 116, 119, 120 or 205/206/118) or BIOLOGY 171 or 172  (3 credits)
419.  Paleontology Lab.  Advisory pre-requisite: Prior or concurrent enrollment in EARTH (GEOSCI) 418.  (1 credits)
420.  Intro Earth Physics.  Required pre-requisite: MATH 116 or 156 or 176 or 186 or 295  (3 credits)
421/CLIMATE 421/ENVIRON 426.  Intro Phys Oceanogr.  Advisory pre-requisite: MATH 115 and 116, and an introductory science course  (3 credits)
422.  Prin of Geochem.  Advisory pre-requisite: [EARTH 305, 315, 352] and [EARTH 131 or CHEM 125/126/130]  (3 credits)
423/CLIMATE 422.  Boundary Layer Met.  Advisory pre-requisite: CLIMATE 350, SPACE 350 or equivalent  (4 credits)
426.  Mineral Physics.  (3 credits)
427/ENVIRON 437.  Appl Mineral.  Advisory pre-requisite: EARTH (GEOSCI) 315 or comparable courses in the solid-state  (3 credits)
428.  Mineral Surfaces.  Advisory pre-requisite: One course in mineralogy, petrology, solid state chemistry, solid state physics, or materials science.  (3 credits)
429.  Comput Mineralogy.  (4 credits)
430.  Depos Environ.  Advisory pre-requisite: Permission of instructor.  (3 credits)
431/ENVIRON 431.  Terrestrial Biomes.  Required pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 171 or [EARTH 116 or 119 or 120 or (GEOSCI 205 and 206)] or Graduate Standing  (4 credits)
432.  Plant Paleobiology.  Required pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 171 or GEOSCI 116 or 119 or 120 or (205 & 206) or graduate standing  (4 credits)
433.  Fld Study-Econ Geol.  Advisory pre-requisite: Permission of instructor.  (1 to 4 credits)
434.  Fld Stdy-Tect&Struc.  Advisory pre-requisite: Permission of instructor.  (1 to 4 credits)
435.  Fld Stdy-Min&Petrol.  Advisory pre-requisite: Permission of instructor.  (1 to 4 credits)
436.  Fld Std-Strat&Paleo.  Advisory pre-requisite: Permission of instructor.  (1 to 4 credits)
437.  Vertebrate Paleo.  Advisory pre-requisite: EARTH (GEOSCI) 125 or BIOLOGY 162 or 171 or 172.  (4 credits)
438.  Fossl Rec Evol Prim.  Advisory pre-requisite: Introductory Geology, Biology, or Anthropology.  (4 credits)
439.  Fossil&Evol Mammals.  Advisory pre-requisite: Permission of instructor.  (4 credits)
440.  Geol Field Methods.  Required pre-requisite: EARTH 305 and 351  (6 credits)
441.  Field Geol Project.  Advisory pre-requisite: Completion of EARTH (GEOSCI) 440 immediately prior  (1 credits)
442/ENVIRON 442.  Earth Surface&Soils.  Advisory pre-requisite: MATH 115 and (EARTH 131 or CHEM 130)  (4 credits)
443.  Climate Tec&Erth Sur.  Advisory pre-requisite: MATH 115 or equivalent and EARTH (GEOSCI) 117 or 119 or equivalent  (4 credits)
444.  Analytical Paleobio.  Advisory pre-requisite: Completion of an introductory paleontology course such as EARTH 418, or evolutionary biology such as EEB 390.  (4 credits)
445/EEB 445.  Biogeography.  Advisory pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 171, (172 or 174) & 173; or BIOLOGY 192 & 173; or BIOLOGY 195 & 173. One course in historical geology is recommended  (3 credits)
446/ENVIRON 446.  Paleoclimatology.  Advisory pre-requisite: MATH 115 and 116 and EARTH 305, or permission of instructor  (4 credits)
449.  Marine Geology.  Advisory pre-requisite: EARTH (GEOSCI) 222/223 or introductory physical geology (EARTH (GEOSCI) 116, 117, 120 or 205/206/118)  (3 credits)
451.  Int Struct Tectonics.  Advisory pre-requisite: Permission of Instructor.  (3 credits)
452.  Paleoceanography.  Advisory pre-requisite: EARTH (GEOSCI) 117/119, 222  (3 credits)
454/CLIMATE 440.  Meteor Analysis Lab.  Advisory pre-requisite: CLIMATE 350, SPACE 350, CLIMATE 401  (4 credits)
455.  Determin Meth.  Advisory pre-requisite: One term of Chemistry and Physics  (4 credits)
457/ENSCEN 451/CLIMATE 451.  Atmos Dynamics I.  Advisory pre-requisite: CLIMATE 401 or MATH 450  (4 credits)
460/ENVIRON 460.  Paleobio/Paleoenv.  Advisory pre-requisite: At least two courses from following list: EARTH 305, EARTH 313, EARTH 418  (5 credits)
465/ENSCEN 467/ENVIRON 467/CLIMATE 467/CHEM 467.  Biogeochem.  Advisory pre-requisite: MATH 116, CHEM 210, and PHYSICS 240 (or 260).  (4 credits)
467.  Stratigraphy & Basin.  Required pre-requisite: [EARTH 305 and (EARTH/ENVIRON 116 or (EARTH/ENVIRON 119 and 118) or EARTH/ENVIRON 120 or EARTH/GEOG 201 or EARTH 209 (prior to Winter 2018) or (EARTH 205 and EARTH/ENVIRON 206 and EARTH 207)] or Graduate Standing  Advisory pre-requisite: EARTH 310, and 351  (4 credits)
468.  Data and Models.  Required pre-requisite: MATH 115 or Graduate Standing  Advisory pre-requisite: Knowledge of, or willingness to learn, a programming language (e.g., Matlab, Mathematica)  (3 credits)
473.  Fund Org Geochem.  Advisory pre-requisite: EARTH (GEOSCI) 305 or CHEM 215/216.  (3 credits)
474/CLIMATE 474.  Ice and Climate.  Advisory pre-requisite: MATH 115 and 116  (3 credits)
475/CLIMATE 475/ENSCEN 475.  Earth System Intract.  Advisory pre-requisite: Senior standing in science or engineering  (4 credits)
477/ENVIRON 479.  Hydrogeology.  Advisory pre-requisite: MATH 116; and High school knowledge of PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY, and EARTH (GEOSCI) or equivalent.  (4 credits)
478.  Geochm Nature Water.  Required pre-requisite: EARTH/ENVIRON 131 or CHEM 130  Advisory pre-requisite: EARTH 325  (4 credits)
479.  Marine Geochem.  Advisory pre-requisite: CHEM 125/126/130.  (3 credits)
480.  Isotope Earth Env Sc.  Advisory pre-requisite: EARTH 412, 415, 478, 479, 422, or another geochemistry course  (3 credits)
483.  Geophysics-Seismol.  Advisory pre-requisite: Prior or concurrent election of MATH 215 and PHYSICS 240 (or 260).  (4 credits)
484.  Environ Geophysics.  Advisory pre-requisite: Prior or concurrent election of MATH 115  (4 credits)
485.  Geochronology.  Required pre-requisite: [An intro geology class (EARTH 116 or EARTH 119 or EARTH 120) and EARTH 315]; or graduate standing  (4 credits)
486.  Geodynamics.  Advisory pre-requisite: EARTH (GEOSCI) 420 and prior or concurrent election of MATH 215 and PHYSICS 240 (or 260).  (3 credits)
494.  Experiential Learn.  Advisory pre-requisite: Junior or senior standing; and one of the following: EARTH (GEOSCI) 116, 119 and 118, 120, 201, 205/206/207, 222 and 223, 284 or ENVIRON 116, 119 and 118, 120, 209, 232 and 233, 284 or GEOG 201  (1 to 4 credits)
495.  Research Methods NS.  (1 credits)
496.  Topics Earth Env Sci.  (1 to 5 credits)
497.  W.T.Smith Lec Sem.  Advisory pre-requisite: Two required Geological Sciences concentration core courses.  (1 credits)
498.  Research&Spec Work.  (1 to 6 credits)
499.  Research&Spec Work.  (1 to 6 credits)
500.  Intro Linux Prog.  (2 credits)
501.  Element Micropaleo.  Advisory pre-requisite: EARTH 119 and 118 (or GEOSCI 119 and 118) or equivalent and one EARTH 418 or GEOSCI 418  (3 credits)
503.  Comput Method GEOSCI.  Advisory pre-requisite: EARTH (GEOSCI) 500 recommended or permission of instructor  (2 credits)
504.  Sources&Cycling.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing  (3 to 4 credits)
506.  Habitable World.  Advisory pre-requisite: CHEM 130, MATH 116, and EARTH (GEOSCI) 422; or permission of instructor.  (3 credits)
507.  Ign Petrog-Petrogen.  Advisory pre-requisite: EARTH (GEOSCI) 310  (4 credits)
508.  Metamorph Petrology.  Advisory pre-requisite: EARTH 310 and 315, or EARTH 431; Graduate standing  (4 credits)
511.  Paleobiology 2.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing; EARTH 510; introductory biology and physics; introductory paleontology EARTH 418; and evolutionary biology (EEB 516 and 390)  (3 credits)
514/CLIMATE 535/EEB 515.  Isotope Biogeochem.  Advisory pre-requisite: Permission of instructor  (3 credits)
515.  Tect Oc&Conts.  Advisory pre-requisite: EARTH (GEOSCI) 351.  (4 credits)
516.  Orogenic Systems.  Advisory pre-requisite: Calculus I ( Math 115 or equivalent), Genreal Physics( Physics 140, 240 or equivalent), an introductory course in geology, graduate student status, or permission of instructor.  (2 to 4 credits)
517.  Tectonics Surf Proc.  Advisory pre-requisite: MATH 215 or above. Some MATLAB and GIS experience.  (4 credits)
520.  Changing Ocean.  Required pre-requisite: Graduate  (3 credits)
523.  Micro Commun Omics.  (2 to 3 credits)
525.  Tectonophysics.  Advisory pre-requisite: A basic knowledge of mathematics and physics is required; Permission of instructor.  (4 credits)
526.  Earthquake & Fault.  Required pre-requisite: Graduate  (4 credits)
529/ENSCEN 531/NERS 531.  Nucl Waste Mgmt.  Advisory pre-requisite: Senior standing.  (3 credits)
530.  Sediment Diagenesis.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing and permission of instructor.  (3 credits)
531.  Sem Geologic Prob.  Advisory pre-requisite: Permission of instructor.  (1 to 3 credits)
532.  Sem Climate-Tect-Top.  Advisory pre-requisite: Permission of instructor.  (1 to 2 credits)
533.  Sem Economic Geol.  Advisory pre-requisite: Permission of instructor.  (1 to 2 credits)
534.  Sem Geophy-Tec-Stru.  Advisory pre-requisite: Permission of instructor.  (1 to 2 credits)
535.  Sem Min-Petr-Geochm.  Advisory pre-requisite: Permission of instructor.  (1 to 2 credits)
536.  Sem Paleobiology.  Advisory pre-requisite: Permission of instructor.  (1 credits)
537.  Topics Oceanography.  Required pre-requisite: Graduate  (1 credits)
538/EEB 538.  Quant Analysis.  Advisory pre-requisite: High school math, elementary statistics, and elementary computer skills. Graduate standing.  (3 credits)
539.  Sem Paleomammalogy.  Advisory pre-requisite: EARTH (GEOSCI) 439 or permission of instructor. Graduate standing.  (1 to 2 credits)
541.  Sem Biogeochemistry.  (1 to 2 credits)
542.  Sem Environ Geochem.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing.  (1 to 2 credits)
543.  Sem Paleoclimatology.  Required pre-requisite: Graduate  (1 to 2 credits)
553.  Thermo&Phase Equilib.  Advisory pre-requisite: EARTH (GEOSCI) 315 and 310; CHEM 461 and 463 recommended. Graduate standing.  (3 credits)
554.  Thermodyn & Kinetics.  Advisory pre-requisite: EARTH 422 or equivalent  (4 credits)
555.  Kinetic Geochm Proc.  Advisory pre-requisite: Math through differential equations and EARTH (GEOSCI) 553. Graduate standing.  (3 credits)
580.  Adv Isotope Geochem.  Required pre-requisite: Graduate  (3 credits)
581/CEE 581.  Aquatic Chemistry.  Required pre-requisite: (CHEM 130; C- or better, and Senior Standing) or Graduate Standing  Advisory pre-requisite: CHEM 130 and senior or graduate standing  (3 credits)
582.  Adv Mineral Deposit.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing. Introductory economic geology and geochemistry.  (4 credits)
596.  Topics Earth Env Sci.  Required pre-requisite: Graduate  (1 to 4 credits)
599.  Independent Study.  (1 to 9 credits)
608.  Advanced Isotopes.  Advisory pre-requisite: EARTH (GEOSCI) 580. Graduate standing.  (3 credits)
620/MATSCIE 621/NERS 621.  Nuclear Waste Forms.  Advisory pre-requisite: NERS 531  (3 credits)
709.  Thesis Res Am-Ms.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing and permission of instructor.  (1 to 6 credits)
929.  Investigations.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing  (1 to 6 credits)
990.  Diss-Precand.  Advisory pre-requisite: Election for dissertation work by doctoral student not yet admitted as a Candidate. Graduate standing.  (1 to 8 credits)
995.  Diss-Cand.  Required pre-requisite: Candidate  (4 or 8 credits)