Cell and Developmental Biology (PIBS) Courses

Courses for Cell and Developmental Biology
Cell and Developmental Biology (Subject Code: CDB)
503/PIBS 503.  Res Respon&Ethics.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing  (1 credits)
516.  Histol Allied Scien.  Advisory pre-requisite: PER. INSTR.  (4 credits)
530.  Cell Biology.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing, permission of instructor  (3 credits)
550.  Histology.  (4 credits)
560.  Quant Cell Bio.  Required pre-requisite: PhD Program  (3 credits)
581.  Dev Genetics.  (3 credits)
582.  Stem Cells Regen Bio.  (2 credits)
583.  Stem Cells Regen Bio.  (3 credits)
595.  Biol of Regeneration.  Required pre-requisite: BIOLOGY 172 or 174  (3 credits)
598.  Directed Readings.  Advisory pre-requisite: Permission of instructor  (1 to 4 credits)
599.  Directed Research.  Advisory pre-requisite: Permission of instructor  (1 to 8 credits)
682/CMBIOL 682/PATH 682/PHYSIOL 682/NEUROSCI 682/HUMGEN 682/MCDB 683.  Org Complex Tiss.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate Cell biology recommended, but not required. Graduate standing.  (2 credits)
684/BIOLOGY 686/CMBIOL 684/HUMGEN 684/NEUROSCI 684/PATH 684/PHYSIOL 684.  Org Complex Tiss.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate Cell biology recommended, but not required. Graduate standing.  (2 credits)
685/CMBIOL 685/PHYSIOL 685/PATH 685/NEUROSCI 685/BIOLOGY 687/HUMGEN 685.  Org Complex Tiss.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate Cell biology recommended, but not required. Graduate standing.  (1 credits)
710.  Stem Cell Biology.  Advisory pre-requisite: RACK/P.I.  (3 credits)
800.  Special Topics.  Advisory pre-requisite: PER.INSTR.  (3 credits)
801.  Graduate Seminar.  (1 credits)
990.  Diss Pre-Cand.  Advisory pre-requisite: Election for dissertation work by doctoral student not yet admitted as a Candidate. I, II, III (1-8); IIIa, IIIb (1-4).  (1 to 8 credits)
995.  Diss-Cand.  Required pre-requisite: Candidate  (4 or 8 credits)