Biophysics Courses

Courses for Biophysics
Biophysics (Subject Code: BIOPHYS)
401.  Sp Topics in BIOPHYS.  Advisory pre-requisite: Seniors or graduate standing.  (1 to 3 credits)
417/CHEM 417/PHYSICS 417.  Dyn Proc Biophys.  Advisory pre-requisite: Students should have knowledge of intermediate physical chemistry, intermediate/applied calculus (single and multivariable) and intermediate linear algebra (differential equations) as covered in, for ex: BIOPHYS 370 and MATH 216 or 256 or 286 or 316.  (3 credits)
420/MCDB 420.  Struct Bio: Arc Life.  Advisory pre-requisite: Students should have knowledge of physical chemistry and biochemistry, as covered in the curriculia of: CHEM 230 or CHEM 260 or BIOPHYS 370; CHEM 351, MCDB 310 or BIOLCHEM 415.  (3 credits)
421.  Struct Bio: Biop Con.  Advisory pre-requisite: Previous or concurrent enrollment in CHEM 351, MCDB 310, or BIOLCHEM 415.  (3 credits)
422/CHEM 422.  Exp Meth Struct Biol.  Required pre-requisite: Prerequisite: (CHEM 260 or BIOPHYS 370) and (CHEM 351 or MCDB 310 or BIOLCHEM 415)] and Co-requisite: BIOPHYS 420 or 421  (3 credits)
430/PHYSICS 430.  Medical Physics.  Advisory pre-requisite: Students should have knowledge of physical chemistry as covered in courses such as: CHEM 230, CHEM 260 or BIOPHYS/CHEM/PHYSICS 370, or PHYSICS 390/391.  (3 credits)
433/PHYSICS 433.  Biocomplexity.  Advisory pre-requisite: Students should have knowledge of basic and applied calculus (single and multi-variable). Familiarity with basic linear algebra is helpful but not required. Knowledge covered in courses such as: BIOPHYS 417 or CHEM 417 or PHYSICS 417, or PHYSICS 406.  (3 credits)
435.  Biophysical Modeling.  Advisory pre-requisite: Students should have knowledge of multivariable or applied calculus as found in, for ex: MATH 215 or CHEM 262.  (3 credits)
440/CHEM 440.  Biophys of Diseases.  Advisory pre-requisite: Students should have knowledge of physical chemistry as covered in courses such as: CHEM 230, CHEM 260 or BIOPHYS/CHEM/PHYSICS 370, or PHYSICS 390/391.  (3 credits)
445/PHYSICS 445/MATH 445/CMPLXSYS 445.  Intro to Info Theory.  Advisory pre-requisite: MATH 425/STATS 425  (3 credits)
450/PHYSICS 450.  Lab Tech in BIOPHYS.  Advisory pre-requisite: Students should have knowledge of physical chemistry and biochemistry, as covered in the curriculia of: CHEM 230 or CHEM 260 or BIOPHYS 370; CHEM 351, MCDB 310 or BIOLCHEM 415.  (3 credits)
463/MATH 463/BIOINF 463.  Math Model Biol.  Advisory pre-requisite: MATH 214, 217, 417, or 419; and MATH 216, 256, 286, or 316.  (3 credits)
495.  Sr Sem Biophysics.  Advisory pre-requisite: Students should take this course in their senior year, preferably after having exposure to other 400-level Biophysics courses.  (2 to 3 credits)
501/BIOLCHEM 501/PHRMACOL 501/MEDCHEM 501/CHEMBIO 501/CHEM 501.  Chemical Biology I.  (3 credits)
502/BIOLCHEM 502/CHEM 502/CHEMBIO 502/MEDCHEM 502/PHRMACOL 505.  Chemical Biology II.  Advisory pre-requisite: CHEMBIO 501  (3 credits)
503/CHEM 603.  Biomo Nmr:Str.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing.  (3 credits)
517/APPPHYS 517/PHYSICS 517.  Nanobio Cert Sem.  (2 credits)
520/CHEM 520.  Theory and Methods.  Advisory pre-requisite: CHEM 463, BIOLCHEM 415, or CHEM 420; permission of course director.  (3 credits)
521/CHEM 521.  Tech in Bioph Chem.  Advisory pre-requisite: CHEM 262 or MATH 215 or equivalent  (3 credits)
535.  Biophys Modeling.  (3 credits)
550.  Biophys Lab.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing or permission of instructor  (3 credits)
595.  Prof Dev in Biophys.  (3 credits)
602/BIOLCHEM 602/CHEM 602/PHRMACOL 602.  Protein Crystallogra.  Advisory pre-requisite: Physical Chemistry. Graduate standing.  (3 credits)
608/MCDB 608/PHYSICS 608.  Prin Microscp.  Advisory pre-requisite: PHYSICS,Knowledge of complex exponential notation, and graduate standing. Physics 405 or permission of instructor.  (3 credits)
619/BIOLCHEM 619/CHEMBIO 619/NEUROSCI 619/PHRMACOL 619.  Struc Basis-Drug Act.  Advisory pre-requisite: For graduate students who have completed their first year of core classes in Pharmacology or any related program. Students, including senior undergrads, who do not fulfill this prerequisite, will need to obtain permission of instructor.  (2 credits)
642/MICRBIOL 642.  Mole&Cell Immun III.  Advisory pre-requisite: PHYSICS, BIOLOGY 305 and BIOLCHEM 415 and MCDB 436/MICRBIOL 502; and graduate standing; undergraduates with permission of instructor.  (1 credits)
670/CHEM 670.  Prin-Mag Resonance.  Advisory pre-requisite: CHEM 570 or permission of instructor and graduate standing  (2 credits)
801.  Seminar.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing and permission of instructor.  (1 credits)
802.  Biophys Sem.  Advisory pre-requisite: Graduate standing and permission of instructor  (1 credits)
890.  Intro to Research.  Advisory pre-requisite: PHYSICS,Research rotations: Primarily for students in the Biophysics Graduate Program. Graduate standing and permission of instructor.  (3 credits)
990.  Diss-Precand.  Advisory pre-requisite: Election for dissertation work by doctoral student not yet admitted as a Candidate. Graduate standing.  (1 to 8 credits)
995.  Diss-Cand.  Required pre-requisite: Candidate  (4 or 8 credits)