Rackham Merit Fellowship (RMF) Connection Registration Process

The Rackham Merit Fellowship "RMF" Connection program is designed for newly admitted students enrolled in Bridge Master's programs and those that have been awarded a Rackham Merit Fellowship or RMF. This includes recipients of the Rackham Master's Award or RMA, the Rackham Engineering Award or REA, and the Rackham Science Awards or RSA. This year's program will held in-person from Monday, August 14, 2023 to Friday, August 18, 2023, with an optional Saturday event. Although participation is optional, Fellows who elect to participate are expected to attend the entire program. All eligible students that complete the registration process by Friday, July 14, 2023 (EDT) will be guaranteed a space in the program. Registration will be accepted after this date, but we cannot guarantee full participation or benefits (t-shirts, access to special events, etc.). The final registration deadline is Monday, October 30, 2023 (EDT). Please visit the RMF Connection home page for more information.

Rackham Merit Fellowship (RMF) Connection
1570 Rackham Building
915 E. Washington
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1070
Tel. 734-764-9854
Fax 734-763-8565